Cascalog-core 2.0.0 API documentation
Cascalog core libraries.
Public variables and functions:
- <-
- ?-
- ?<-
- ??-
- ??<-
- INumOutFields
- IOutputFields
- ISelectFields
- aggregatefn
- aggregateop
- bufferfn
- bufferiterfn
- bufferiterop
- bufferop
- cascalog-tap
- combine
- compile-flow
- construct
- cross-join
- defaggregatefn
- defaggregateop
- defbufferfn
- defbufferiterfn
- defbufferiterop
- defbufferop
- deffilterfn
- deffilterop
- defmain
- defmapcatfn
- defmapcatop
- defmapfn
- defmapop
- defparallelagg
- defprepfn
- div
- explain
- filterfn
- filterop
- get-out-fields
- hfs-seqfile
- hfs-tap
- hfs-textline
- lfs-seqfile
- lfs-tap
- lfs-textline
- mapcatfn
- mapcatop
- mapfn
- mapop
- memory-source-tap
- name-vars
- normalize-sink-connection
- num-out-fields
- parallelagg
- predmacro
- predmacro*
- prepfn
- select-fields
- sequence-file
- stdout
- text-line
- to-tail
- union
- with-job-conf
- with-serializations
Public variables and functions:
TODO: Some of these things need to move into hadoop-util.
Public variables and functions:
- ->Existence
- ->Inner
- ->Outer
- IAggregateBy
- IAggregator
- IBuffer
- add-aggregator
- add-buffer
- add-op
- agg
- aggregate-by
- aggregate-mode
- aggregator?
- assembly
- buffer
- buffer?
- bufferiter
- build-join-group
- build-triplet
- cascalog-join
- co-group*
- constant-substitutions
- debug*
- declared-fields
- defop
- discard*
- each
- ensure-project
- fields-to-keep
- filter*
- filter-nullable-vars
- generate-join-fields
- group-by*
- hash-join*
- hash-join-many
- hash-join-with-tiny
- identity*
- in-branch
- insert*
- insert-subs
- join->joiner
- join-fields-selector
- join-many
- join-with-larger
- join-with-smaller
- lazy-generator
- left-hash-join-with-tiny
- left-join-with-larger
- left-join-with-smaller
- lift-pipes
- logically
- map*
- map->Existence
- map->Inner
- map->Outer
- mapcat*
- multigroup
- name-flow
- new-pipe-name
- no-overlap?
- not-nil?
- parallel-agg
- parallel-agg?
- rename*
- rename-pipe
- replace-join-fields
- sample*
- select*
- set-reducers
- substitute-if
- trap*
- union*
- unique
- unique-aggregator
- with-constants
- with-duplicate-inputs
- with-trap*
- write*
Public variables and functions:
Public variables and functions:
Public variables and functions:
- bench-op
- cascalog-map
- cascalog-mapcat
- cascalog.cascading.util.proxy$cascading.operation.BaseOperation$Function$da67433c
- cascalog.cascading.util.proxy$cascading.operation.ConcreteCall$IPersistentCollection$ad07f3c8
- cascalog.cascading.util.proxy$cascading.tuple.TupleEntryCollector$0
- collect-to
- default-output
- fields
- fields-array
- generic-cascading-fields?
- invoke-aggregator
- invoke-filter
- invoke-function
- pipe
- pipes-array
- roundtrip
- taps-array
This namespace contains the tools required to define custom Cascalog operations, instantiated with appropriate metadata.
Public variables and functions:
- ->ParallelAggregator
- ->ParallelBuffer
- ->Prepared
- aggregatefn
- aggregateop
- aggregateop?
- bufferfn
- bufferiterfn
- bufferiterop
- bufferop
- bufferop?
- defaggregatefn
- defaggregateop
- defbufferfn
- defbufferiterfn
- defbufferiterop
- defbufferop
- defdefop
- defdeprecated
- deffilterfn
- deffilterop
- defhelper
- defmapcatfn
- defmapcatop
- defmapfn
- defmapop
- defparallelagg
- defparallelbuf
- defprepfn
- filterfn
- filterop
- map->ParallelAggregator
- map->ParallelBuffer
- map->Prepared
- mapcatfn
- mapcatop
- mapfn
- mapop
- parallelagg
- prepared
- prepared?
- prepfn
Public variables and functions:
Public variables and functions:
- ->Application
- ->ExistenceNode
- ->FilterApplication
- ->Grouping
- ->Join
- ->Merge
- ->Projection
- ->Rename
- ->TailStruct
- ->Unique
- <-
- IApplyToTail
- accept?
- add-ops-fixed-point
- aggregation-assertions!
- apply-equality-ops
- apply-to-tail
- attempt-join
- build-agg-tail
- build-query
- build-rule
- chain
- default-selector
- desugar-selectors
- existence-branch?
- existence-field
- expand-outvars
- expand-positional-selector
- find-join-fields
- grouping-input
- grouping-output
- initial-tails
- joinable?
- map->Application
- map->ExistenceNode
- map->FilterApplication
- map->Grouping
- map->Join
- map->Merge
- map->Projection
- map->Rename
- map->TailStruct
- map->Unique
- maximal-join
- merge-tails
- op-allowed?
- parse-subquery
- parse-variables
- prefer-filter
- prepare-operation
- project
- query-signature?
- rename
- select-join
- split-outvar-constants
- tail-fields-intersection
- tail?
- unground-assertions!
- unground-outvars
- validate-aggregation!
- validate-generator-set!
- validate-predicates!
- validate-projection!
The execution platform class, plus a basic Cascading implementation.
Public variables and functions:
Public variables and functions:
- ->Aggregator
- ->FilterOperation
- ->Generator
- ->GeneratorSet
- ->Operation
- ->RawPredicate
- ->RawSubquery
- ICouldFilter
- INode
- IOperation
- IRawPredicate
- build-predicate
- can-generate?
- defnode
- filter?
- generator-node
- map->Aggregator
- map->FilterOperation
- map->Generator
- map->GeneratorSet
- map->Operation
- map->RawPredicate
- map->RawSubquery
- node?
- normalize
- to-operation
- to-predicate
This namespace contains functions that help to define predicate macro instances, and compile predicate macro instances out into sequences of RawPredicate instances.
Public variables and functions:
This namespace deals with all Cascalog variable transformations.
Public variables and functions:
- cascalog-var?
- fully-ground?
- gen-non-nullable-var
- gen-non-nullable-vars
- gen-nullable-var
- gen-nullable-vars
- gen-ungrounding-var
- gen-var-fn
- ground-var?
- logic-prefixes
- logic-sym?
- non-nullable-var?
- nullable-var?
- prefixed-by?
- replace-dups
- reserved?
- sanitize
- sanitize-fn
- selector?
- selectors
- unground-var?
- uniquify-var
- wildcards
- with-logic-vars
Public variables and functions: